Sunday 7 December 2008

Making EFT fun

Hi all and welcome to my first Emotional Freedom Blog entry.

I use EFT on some serious issues but when a client is upset its great to bring humour in.

I was at a party last night and started chatting to a guy I'd never met before. We were having an interesting conversation as he told me some funny stories about his job - which I won't go into here because they're far too long and funny. He asked me what I do and I told him a bit about EFT. You can probably guess what happened next,

"I've got toothache," he said clutching his lower jaw, "can it work on that?"

We were in a different room to the main party and other people in the room had by now become interested in our conversation.

"How much pain are you in right now?" I asked.

"Too much," he said putting his drink down on a table.

I asked him a few questions about the pain and where it was and began tapping on his karate chop point.

I now had quite a crowd of interested people and after tapping for one round of EFT we were all laughing at the novelty of tapping at a party.

But it was working. My new friend told me he felt calmer. So we tapped again. Even more calmer. The pain was going as well. The novelty was beginning to wear off as people were becoming ever more curious at this strange looking party trick that was dissolving pain right before their eyes. Nobody left, they stood in a semi-circle transfixed.

We got the pain right down to a more than manageable level before the next act came on (the host had gathered a group of artists who were also friends to perform at the party) and the guy said he felt really calm. The others asked me how it all worked and I gave my elevator speech ( a one minute condensed 'talk' about EFT) then we went into the main room and watched the band.

Later, as the guy I had tapped was leaving, he turned to me, smiled and started tapping his face.

"I hope to see you again. I'll remember this," he said.

"So will I," I smiled back.

John Blosse,