Wednesday 1 April 2009

I have read various books, listened to many audio tapes and watched a number of videos but still I struggled to get what I wanted. I remember so well saying to myself over and over 'I now speak fluently and eloquently' or 'I now have all the money I need' and then hearing that echo sometimes faint, whispering like a soft breeze sometimes hurricane like - 'you'll never get what you want'. Well, I believe I've found the missing ingredient - EFT.

Emotional Freedom Technique can wipe out a tailender - the negative echo. When we state what we want, how we'll get it and what we'll do for it we then imagine ourselves having what we desire.... and we listen. We listen for tailenders, sometimes they come as a feeling that stirs something up inside us, sometimes they come as a thought. When we tap on them we are removing boulders from the river that leads to our ocean of abundance.

Some of us chant the positive mantra many times a day. To tell ourselves we are healthy when our mind says 'why are you walking with that stick then?' is like saying 'We now have a clean rubbish bin' even though it's full of rubbish. Our mind is very clever and knows what's in the bin. When we acknowledge our issue and accept it we shine a light on it and it ceases to exist. Then we get nearer to our desire.

EFT is such a beautiful therapy. It is subtle, yet very effective and gets working on our energy systems right away. It's amazing what we hear when we really listen.