Friday 5 June 2009

Festivals and fairs.....

Hi All,

I recently had a stall at Hove Town Hall. The show was mainly for healers and clairvoyants - never seen so many in one room - but still had a lot of interest in EFT. I worked with fourteen clients on a variety of issues. When you work with so many people one after the other you begin to see how unique people really are.

No one EFT clients issues are ever completely the same althought they may have similarities. I love playing the role of detective trying to find out what drives someone to having the problem they have.

I think the energy in the room was a very healing energy and some of the people that came to see me were laughing, yawning and crying. That reminds me - one of my clients says that everytime he sees me he cries (I hope that's a compliment!). To have so many people having emotional releases right before your eyes one after the other is such a wonderful sight because afterwards they look so different.

I know I've thanked you before Gary Craig but thank you once again for the gift of EFT and thank you to that something higher for letting you discover it!