Monday 31 August 2009

EFT in a nutshell

EFT works on our body's energy system, by tapping with our fingertips on the energy lines that go along our body whilst repeating key phrases we can release the negative charge. When we think of a previously distressing thought we don't have the 'spike' attached anymore.

Friday 24 July 2009

I recently went to a fantastic workshop involving the proper use of breath. Some of you will be thinking 'I breath properly all the time' but so many of us don't.

Aparently, the stomach should move out when we breath in and in when we breath out. And when we take in a full deep breath it actually feels really great. I didn't realise just how shallow I had been breathing!

There is also a lot of power involved in breathing correctly. As someone who has stammered for most of my life I know from previous experience that to let the breath work for you is to speak better. To breath in and out a little longer and deeper than usually really is beneficial at calming the mind.

From an EFT point of view, I have asked my clients to take in a deep breath after each round of tapping for a while now and I feel it gives each sequence a more deeper experience.

Friday 5 June 2009

Festivals and fairs.....

Hi All,

I recently had a stall at Hove Town Hall. The show was mainly for healers and clairvoyants - never seen so many in one room - but still had a lot of interest in EFT. I worked with fourteen clients on a variety of issues. When you work with so many people one after the other you begin to see how unique people really are.

No one EFT clients issues are ever completely the same althought they may have similarities. I love playing the role of detective trying to find out what drives someone to having the problem they have.

I think the energy in the room was a very healing energy and some of the people that came to see me were laughing, yawning and crying. That reminds me - one of my clients says that everytime he sees me he cries (I hope that's a compliment!). To have so many people having emotional releases right before your eyes one after the other is such a wonderful sight because afterwards they look so different.

I know I've thanked you before Gary Craig but thank you once again for the gift of EFT and thank you to that something higher for letting you discover it!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

I have read various books, listened to many audio tapes and watched a number of videos but still I struggled to get what I wanted. I remember so well saying to myself over and over 'I now speak fluently and eloquently' or 'I now have all the money I need' and then hearing that echo sometimes faint, whispering like a soft breeze sometimes hurricane like - 'you'll never get what you want'. Well, I believe I've found the missing ingredient - EFT.

Emotional Freedom Technique can wipe out a tailender - the negative echo. When we state what we want, how we'll get it and what we'll do for it we then imagine ourselves having what we desire.... and we listen. We listen for tailenders, sometimes they come as a feeling that stirs something up inside us, sometimes they come as a thought. When we tap on them we are removing boulders from the river that leads to our ocean of abundance.

Some of us chant the positive mantra many times a day. To tell ourselves we are healthy when our mind says 'why are you walking with that stick then?' is like saying 'We now have a clean rubbish bin' even though it's full of rubbish. Our mind is very clever and knows what's in the bin. When we acknowledge our issue and accept it we shine a light on it and it ceases to exist. Then we get nearer to our desire.

EFT is such a beautiful therapy. It is subtle, yet very effective and gets working on our energy systems right away. It's amazing what we hear when we really listen.

Sunday 8 March 2009

EFT from the heart

There's a faith that's practiced somewhere in Asia ( I can't remember where exactly) where people are asked to leave their shoes so that someone else may walk in them for a while. This is such a wonderful thing to do. To understand even a little about someone's life we need to get ourselves out of the way. It's so important to offer feedback and not advice.

We all want to be understood and have our own needs met. When we let ourselves be open and really listen we can truly understand what someone else is saying. How many of us have met people who say "I know what you need, you need to do........." almost before we've even said what the issue is?

Many of us have the urge to to be right or seen as someone with a lot of knowledge but all the knowledge in the world is worth nothing if we don't have empathy. When we listen EFT truly comes from the heart.

The first thing a client wants to know is that the therapist can help them with their problem. Not how much knowledge the therapist has, how big their client list is or whether they've used EFT on the Prime Minister - these are of far less importance to the client.

Whatever the client believes they are right. We are their mirror and we need to be as good a mirror we can by offering feedback. Then they can transform before their own eyes. They don't want to have our reflection behind them in them. Would you want to see someone else's reflection in your own mirror? Imagine someone telling you how you should brush your teeth each time.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

I've been busy designing a Weight Loss and Food Cravings flier which I've finally completed and taken to the print shop today.

New Year weight loss programmes are big business! I've been studying the market for a while now and keep coming to the same conclusion - any given diet will only work for certain people long term. If they don't have many deeply ingrained negative beliefs around food and their body then they probably will keep the weight off. I know one or two people like this – but they are few and far between.

Why would a diet work for some and not for others? Because one size (or diet) doesn't fit all. Not every body type is suited to the same food. For example, following the Ayurveda principle, eating more brocolli, cabbage and cauliflower in your diet wouldn't be recomended if your constitution is mainly Vata dosha (thin boned) even though these vegetables are classed as health foods. The reason for this is that they produce gas and bloating and will aggravate your dosha.

How many of us have given up chocolate and swore we would never touch another piece only to tuck into a whole bar at the first signs of stress?

This is where EFT can help. It allows us to understand our negative beliefs around food and how we think about our bodies. It also gets rid of the anxiety we feel before we dive into a box of chocolates or take the packet of biscuits out of the cupboard.

My next Weight Loss and Food Cravings workshop takes place here in sunny Brighton on Saturday 31st January 10am to 3pm. It's at Anahata health Clinic, BN2 0JL and costs £45 (£38 concessionary rate). 01273 241204 or 07533 991731

EFT is such a handy tool to have around when we feel stressed because the tapping really does work. The biscuits stay in the cupboard and the chocolate in the chocolate aisle - my local ASDA are going to love me!

Sunday 7 December 2008

Making EFT fun

Hi all and welcome to my first Emotional Freedom Blog entry.

I use EFT on some serious issues but when a client is upset its great to bring humour in.

I was at a party last night and started chatting to a guy I'd never met before. We were having an interesting conversation as he told me some funny stories about his job - which I won't go into here because they're far too long and funny. He asked me what I do and I told him a bit about EFT. You can probably guess what happened next,

"I've got toothache," he said clutching his lower jaw, "can it work on that?"

We were in a different room to the main party and other people in the room had by now become interested in our conversation.

"How much pain are you in right now?" I asked.

"Too much," he said putting his drink down on a table.

I asked him a few questions about the pain and where it was and began tapping on his karate chop point.

I now had quite a crowd of interested people and after tapping for one round of EFT we were all laughing at the novelty of tapping at a party.

But it was working. My new friend told me he felt calmer. So we tapped again. Even more calmer. The pain was going as well. The novelty was beginning to wear off as people were becoming ever more curious at this strange looking party trick that was dissolving pain right before their eyes. Nobody left, they stood in a semi-circle transfixed.

We got the pain right down to a more than manageable level before the next act came on (the host had gathered a group of artists who were also friends to perform at the party) and the guy said he felt really calm. The others asked me how it all worked and I gave my elevator speech ( a one minute condensed 'talk' about EFT) then we went into the main room and watched the band.

Later, as the guy I had tapped was leaving, he turned to me, smiled and started tapping his face.

"I hope to see you again. I'll remember this," he said.

"So will I," I smiled back.

John Blosse,